

Vic Rebman Ph.D.
Between what individuals are capable of and their actual performance, lies the landscape of human potential. In these fields, true leaders sow the seeds of their vision, and great managers enhance the yields of the harvest.
Vic Rebman

Whether you are a business owner, manager, or professional seeking to elevate your performance and quality of your life, we can design a plan to reach your goals.

Do you wish to develop your management or leadership skills?

Do you have a valued employee who struggles to get along with others?

Do you struggle to create a healthy balance between your personal and professional life?

Do you wish to catapult your star performers to the next level?

We use a Four-Phase Coaching Model, which helps you achieve the results you desire! Dr. Vic Rebman's coaching model and his many years of coaching experience, provide services customized to you and your organization!

When selecting a professional coach, consider the following:

  • A great professional coach must be a competent diagnostician. Personal baggage is brought into the workplace, and your coach better know how to harness and handle all of it.
  • A coach must understand human motivation—creating the optimal level of enthusiasm and positive expectation that fuels the change process.
  • A coach must be a great communicator who can balance finesse and bluntness when delivering difficult feedback.
  • A great professional coach needs a multitude of positive change strategies to draw upon; after all, no two people change in exactly the same way.
  • I’m a licensed clinical professional with over 50,000 hours of coaching and counseling experience.We can design the change plan that puts the power of psychology to work for you or your employees.

Are you ready for change?


Your Four-Phase Coaching Model

Phase One: Assessment
Using life interviews, 360 assessments, and personality evaluations, we target the change goals and build a platform upon which to launch the change process.

Phase Two: Blueprint
With the goals identified (targets), we build a plan which identifies the resources and psychological strategies needed to achieve your goals.

Phase Three: Action
We work the plan. By amplifying strengths and utilizing the strategies required, we produce positive change.

Phase Four: Reassess and Refine
We tweak the plan as needed to assure success and lasting change for you or your employees.

Case Scenarios

Roger was a loyal and valued employee, but time pressures and deadlines kept him stressed. He was constantly agitated and unapproachable. Being in a key management position, this was not acceptable. Cue-controlled relaxation helped him control stress and remain comfortable under pressure. Time distortion hypnosis helped Roger relax as he dealt with time pressures. He is “now the most calm and approachable manager we have on the floor.”

Travis was a professional in private practice. He was chronically anxious, always agonizing over the future of his practice. His worry eroded the quality of his personal and professional life. Relaxation and cognitive restructuring strategies were used to develop healthy optimism and strategic problem-solving skills. Travis’ wife and clients are grateful.

John was an executive with great vision and competence. The problem was: He lacked tact, and came off arrogant and often condescending to others. 360 assessments were used to give voice to those he offended, so he could hear and understand his affect on others. Interpersonal communication skills were taught to temper abrasiveness and to develop his ability to positively acknowledge others. John received great feedback at his six-month review.


©2017 Rebman Consulting