

Vic Rebman Ph.D.
Ingredients of Effective Leadership

Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself.
When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.

Jack Welch

Ingredients of Effective Leadership is designed to give you, either as a seasoned or emerging leader, the opportunity to compare your leadership style with other successful leaders, and identify your strengths and developmental goals.

Training objectives include:

  • Provide you with a profile of your current personality traits and leadership style.
  • Identify significant traits and leadership styles through research important in effective leadership.
  • Provide you with the opportunity to compare your profile with successful leaders and managers, and targets meaningful and appropriate professional goals for developing your leadership/management potential.
  • Elevate your skills and insights in creating positive change, and maintaining motivation for achieving developmental goals.

If you wish to bring this program to your organization, contact Dr. Rebman.

Take action and develop your potential!


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