

Vic Rebman Ph.D.
High Impact Coaching in the Corporate Environment

The world must learn to work together, or finally it will not work at all.

Dwight D. Eisenhower

A strong organization is built upon strong leadership. High impact leadership requires:
  • A finely tuned capability for self-reflection and self-awareness
  • A willingness to seek a wide variety of experiences to expand one’s perspective
  • A commitment to lifelong learning
  • An ability to use one’s strengths to modify weaknesses
  • Creativity for applying new learning to existing and new situations
  • An understanding and appreciation for human motivation and individual differences

Successful leaders and teams know the value of a good coach.

My four-phase leadership coaching program and assessment services can help you and your organization:

  • Identify and develop top performers
  • Develop high impact leadership competencies
  • Elevate team performance
  • Save you thousands of $$$ in turning around valued, yet under-performing employees
  • Hire by design—select and place the best candidates in the right positions

The Four-Phase Leadership
Coaching Model

Phase One: Assessment
Through life interviews, 360 assessment, personality assessment, we develop a leadership profile of strengths and developmental needs.

Phase Two: Blueprint
Change goals are identified which will elevate leadership effectiveness and performance. Strategies are designed to reach the target goals.

Phase Three: Action
Strategies are implemented and feedback mechanisms designed to measure growth. Change partners are built into the system to assure accountability.

Phase Four: Reassess and Refine
Tweak the change plan as needed to assure lasting change and ongoing growth.

Case Scenarios

Bill was recently promoted. The new job required well-developed interpersonal communication and management skills. Bill was extremely competent in product knowledge, yet lacked the communication skills necessary to be an effective leader and motivator. After completing 360 and leadership assessments, very specific communication skills were targeted for development. In addition, Bill completed the Interpersonal Power program (a crash course in human motivation and interpersonal relationships). By his six-month review, he was well on track. By the ninth month, he was not only meeting his job requirements, he was functioning as a positive instrument for organizational growth and development.

A VP position in IT was open. The search had been narrowed to three candidates. Comprehensive selection profiles were completed on each. The process included a three hour structured interview to assess cognitive, emotional, interpersonal, and motivational styles; online comprehensive personality and leadership assessments; and blueprint for action integrating strengths and developmental needs. The result was a well-thought out hiring by design, not by chemistry.


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