Vic Rebman, Ph.D. For those of you who are following my webinar, here are the quotes from our 2nd session. These are great quotes to review and contemplate! Quotes on Self-Esteem: “In essence, you are neither inferior nor superior to anyone. True self-esteem arises out of that realization.” – Echart Tolle “Productive achievement is a […]
Read the rest of this entry »Spiritual Integrity: A Journey Into Wholeness
For those interested in developing a spiritually-based meditation practice, let me introduce you into a set of meditations I recently created for a private client. He has really enjoyed them and encouraged me to make them available to others. These meditations are very good for newcomers to meditation, as well as more advanced students of […]
Read the rest of this entry »Success With Balance: Webinar Quotes for Session 1
Dr. Vic Rebman For those following my webinar on creating success with balance, here are some of the quotes we covered in Session 1 that are great to review and contemplate. If you’re not enrolled in the webinar, they are still great quotes to review! Quotes on how our thoughts create our reality: “As a […]
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