The Hidden Treasure

Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Contemporary Psychology

What Are You Thinking About?

One of the first Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) interventions I happened upon as I began my studies was a simple, yet powerful exercise by Dr. David Burns called the Stick Figure Technique.  (For more information, you can reference his book, “Ten Days to Self-Esteem”).  The purpose of this exercise is to assist individuals in restructuring […]

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A New Opportunity: A look at ADHD through skills-based counseling.

Hello!  My name is Lauren Rodenbeck (Rebman).  I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associate at Adventures In Learning.  It is a pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful family business, and I’m thrilled with the new opportunity to share my professional thoughts and stories on this blog! For my first entry, […]

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We’re Back!

Hello!  Obviously, I recently took a sabbatical from blogging and am now back online ready to continue posting.  Like before, we will be posting informative, challenging, and inspiring ideas to help improve the overall quality of life for those who choose to follow our entries.  I used the term “we” because in my leave my daughter, Lauren, joined our […]

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Part II: Skills vs. Pills

In Part I, I reviewed the clinical literature which clearly contradicts the “clinical imbalance” theory of depression and anxiety.  Results indicate approximately 80% of the effectiveness of anti-depressant medications are due to placebo.  Here are some other interesting facts to be aware of in the effective treatment of depression and anxiety: Genetic pre-disposition for the […]

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Pills vs. Skills–Part 1 The Shocking Truth About Anti-Depressant and Anti-Anxiety Medications

Do anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications do what they say? Research says it is a placebo effect for most individuals, and discounts the bio-chemical imbalance theory for taking medications….Learning skills through CBT is an effective way to treat anxiety and depression…and there is research to prove it!!! Part I of 2. Stay tuned.

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Science Validates Ancient Wisdom!

Lao-tzu -author of the Tao Te Ching, a book of wisdom, which is thousand of years old and has been translated more then any other volume in the world (with the exception of the Bible) , writes:    “If  you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place” Shortly after reading Lao-tzu’s quote I came […]

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