Hello! Obviously, I recently took a sabbatical from blogging and am now back online ready to continue posting. Like before, we will be posting informative, challenging, and inspiring ideas to help improve the overall quality of life for those who choose to follow our entries. I used the term “we” because in my leave my daughter, Lauren, joined our practice!
Lauren is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapy Associate who enjoys working with individuals, couples, and families. She has a specialty interest in skills-based counseling with young children and adolescents. She has experience working with many children who struggle with ADHD and have skills-deficits in the areas of focus, concentration, impulse control, and social skills. Her skills-based counseling works directly to strengthen these skills in her clients of all ages. Presently, it is estimated that over 10% of our children are diagnosed with ADHD and prescribed stimulant medications! The problem with this is two-fold: 1. ADHD is far over diagnosed. True estimates of ADHD are probably about 5%. 2. Children who are truly ADHD need counseling to build skills in areas in which they show deficiencies. No stimulant medication alone can improve organizational functioning, social functioning , or other important executive skill required for life success. Clinical research clearly indicates that to effectively treat ADHD, specific skills counseling is required in addition to medication, if medication is necessary at all. Many of the children Lauren counsels have remained off medication or reduced their medication significantly!
Lauren will be joining me on our blog! You can look forward to her postings, as well as my own, on a regular basis!
Dr. Vic
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