Inside each and every one of us is the potential to accomplish great things in a way that is uniquely our own. Abraham Maslow, the great motivational psychologist, wrote about becoming “self -actualized.” He used the term to describe those unique individuals who had tapped into their inherent greatness, and found unique ways of sharing that […]
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Giving and Receiving Are One In The Same
Power Lesson #4 God can do no more for you than He can do through you. So often we look at life and our relationships and ask “Why God?” Why can’t things be different? We pray and seek change, but things continue along the same old path, and it seems the only change we experience […]
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Power Lesson #3 We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are. Reality, as we experience it, is nothing more than a reflection of our deeply held beliefs and convictions. We now have over six billion people in the world, so we now have over six billion conflicting realities all attempting to co […]
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