Contemplation # 14
“He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?
Are not even the tax collectors doing that?”
(Matthew 5:45-46)
It appears to me that all too often we get caught up in attempts to promote our own personal agendas of “fairness” and “justice” and lose sight of the fact that these are attributes of the spiritual and not the physical realm. It is a self affirming choice, as well as the responsibility of every healthy, mature, and emotionally grounded individual to conduct themselves in ways that honor, respect, and value everyone; especially those with whom we find ourselves in conflict. Fairness and justice are hardly qualities which can be attained by attacking those who, in our way of thinking, are unfair or unjust.
The idea that we can, through our own wisdom, dispense justice, or create a world built on fairness, is naive at best and all too often incredibly destructive. The paradox is that the path into a world which is more tolerant, loving and kind comes only through acknowledging our ignorance and inability to create such a world on our own. It is only a power greater than ourselves which gives to us the ability to “love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.” (Matthew 5:44)
In Matthew 7:2, Jesus encouraged those who would listen to remember that:
“For the same way that you judge others, you will be judged.”
These words remind us that when we hold on to grievances and seek to right wrongs by imposing our judgment of how things “should be” onto others, we do so at the cost of our own peace of mind. Likewise, the more we seek to heal the injustices of the world through the legal system or government legislation, the more we lose ourselves in the conflict: we increase our risk of becoming more embittered, disillusioned, and resentful. The more we decide,through our own human judgment, the way things “should be,” the more we imprison ourselves in bitterness and distress. In A Course In Miracles we are reminded that love holds no grievances. We cannot hold a grievance in our mind and know peace.
The reality of this world is that things are often unfair, and that unfairness impacts us all. At one time or another we are all discriminated against; we all experience social injustice. Some more than others this is true, but that’s just another example of the unfairness of it all. A kinder, gentler, more tolerant and loving world will grow not out of a focus on the righting of wrongs, but the exercise of tolerance and forgiveness. I don’t believe anyone could legitimately dispute the idea that the world would/could be instantly transformed for the better if we all simultaneously embrace the idea to treat others as we wish to be treated, while at the same time exercising a willingness to forgive all grievances.
While it may be naive and idealistic to believe that the entire world could embrace such concepts simultaneously, it is definitely good to know that we have the power to do so for ourselves. The willingness to exercise this strategy for oneself is not only possible, it comes with a guarantee; and in doing so, we create a healthier more peaceful world for ourselves and those we love.
We certainly need legal systems and government legislation; a society cannot function without them. But to believe that in them lies the power to create fairness and justice is an illusion. Genuine fairness and justice are attributes of the spiritual realm; to experience them requires awakening to a love far greater that we are capable of through our humanness alone. This is why Jesus encourages those willing to listen to embrace the idea that:
“You have heard it said ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for tooth.’
But I say to you, do not resist an evil person.
If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to them the other also.”
(Matthew 5:38)
These are difficult words to live by. Thankfully we do not have to rely on our strength alone!
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